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Some important information to read before you'll proceed to download stuff for reading

For our next sessions of reading we will use the text and voice files downloaded from internet. This type of activity is always connected with the legal problems of Intellectual Property Rights, which are nowadays under discussion. In contemporary debate is this fact often put in connection with the software piracy. Properly for defend the rights of creative authors and common users against the piracy of the great commercial companies; there have been created various types of licenses in order to defend the basic rights and the personal liberty. In the actual English langue are these creations denoted rather inexactly with the term "copyleft" which is really an artificial word. The term Copyleft describes a group of licenses applied to works such as software, documents, and art. Where copyright law is seen by the original proponents of copyleft as a way to restrict the right to make and redistribute copies of a particular work, a copyleft license uses copyright law in order to ensure that every person who receives a copy or derived version of a work, can use, modify, and also redistribute both the work, and derived versions of the work. Thus, in a non-legal sense, copyleft is the opposite of copyright, in legal sense; it is a special kind of copyright license.
One of the most important reasons for the creators or authors is the fact that they want to make copyleft applicable to their work because in doing so, they hope to create the most favourable conditions for a wide range of people to feel invited to contribute improvements and/or elaborations to this work, in a continuing process or to be allowed to enjoy fully their creative art. The most popular example of this movement is Linux or Mozilla Firefox.
Common practice for achieving this goal of free exploitation, copying and distribution of a creation or a work (and its derivates) is to ship it with a special license. Such license would have to stipulate that every owner of a copy of the work can:
1. use it without limitation.
2. (re-)distribute it in as many copies as desired, and
3. modify it in any way they see fit.
These three freedoms, however, do not yet ensure that a work that is derived from the creation will be distributed under the same un-limiting conditions: in order for the work to be copylefted, the license has to make sure that the owner of the derived work will distribute it under the same type of license.
There have been developed various kinds and types of license imposing other (additional or understood) license conditions that would take away possible impediments to the hassle-free use, distribution and modification of a work include:
* making sure that the copyleft license conditions can not be revoked;
* making sure that the work, and its derived versions, are always made available in a form that facilitates modification, e.g., for software, this facilitating form is considered to be synonymous with the source code, where also the compilation of such source code should be guaranteed to be without impediments of any kind.
* devising a more-or-less compulsory system for properly documenting the creation and its modified forms, by way of user's manuals, descriptions, etc.
Copyleft also inspired the arts (especially where traditional notions of intellectual property are experienced as hampering creativity and/or creative collaboration and/or easy distribution of art creations). For example, the Free Art license is a copyleft license that can be applied to any work of art.
Copyleft licenses for materials other than software include the Creative Commons ShareAlike licenses and the GNU Free Documentation License.
Having always in mind these considerations we will turn our attention to one of these conceptions of copyright license, beacuse we are going to use properly the files covered by this copyright license:

Creative Commons License

The Creative Commons License refers to the name of several copyright licenses released on December 16, 2002 by Creative Commons, a US nonprofit corporation founded in 2001.

In brief, there are four key license conditions:

* Attribution (by): Permit others to copy, distribute, display, and perform the work and derivative works based upon it only if they give you credit.

* Noncommercial (nc): Permit others to copy, distribute, display, and perform the work and derivative works based upon it only for noncommercial purposes.

* No Derivative Works (nd): Permit others to copy, distribute, display and perform only verbatim copies of the work, not derivative works based upon it.

* Share Alike (sa): Permit others to distribute derivative works only under a license identical to the license that governs your work.

Mixing and matching these conditions produces sixteen possible combinations, of which eleven are valid Creative Commons licenses. Of the five invalid combinations, four include both the ″nd″ and ″sa″ clauses, which are mutually exclusive; and one includes none of the clauses, which is essentially the same thing as releasing into the public domain. The licenses without the attribution clause are being phased out because 98% of licensors requested Attribution.
The particular version of the license you will obtain downloading your stuff for reading.
A great part of preceding information is taken from the Creative Commons website, because this is properly the type of website you will download your reading stuff from.

We are going to download from the following page :

the MP3 and PDF files. You are recommended by me to download also the added Creative Commons License and to read it with great attention. After having used these files we will write a thanksgiving letter to the actress Jane Acker who is living in Santa Fe and has performed this beautiful work of art.

Slovní zásoba tohoto právního textu má jen částečný význam pro neprofesionálního čtenáře, rozhodně není nutné, aby si všechna slovíčka osvojil aktivně; nicméně znalost právního rámce je pro uživatele Internetu nesmírně důležitá. Ostatně minulý měsíc byl v Evropském parlamentu, zásluhou Polska, zamítnut pokus o výrazné změny v právních úpravách autorského a patentového práva. (Polský ministr informatiky se dokonce obtěžoval tím, že do Bruselu přicestoval a Polsko pak bylo ve dnech, které následovaly, zaplaveno na Internetu projevy díků ze všech stran a ve všech jazycích.) Možná se k filologickému rozboru Creative Common License vrátíme, až si ji přečtete. Následující poznámky Vám přečtení předcházejících informací usnadní. V každém případě si však vezměte na pomoc svůj oblíbený slovník. Možná však bude výhodné si nejdříve přečíst komentář.

Poznámky k předcházejícímu textu:
stuff = věci, potřebné věci, zboží,
food stuff = potraviny,
to denote = označovat,
they want to make copyleft applicable to = chtějí aplikovat copyleft na,they hope to ..... people to feel invited to contribute (věta účelová, stejně jako věta v souvětí následující chtějí, aby se lidé cítili přizvaní k tomu, aby ,to be allowed to enjoy = aby jim bylo umožněno těšit se z, exploitation = zde využívání - prostuduje si ve svém oblíbeném slovníku heslo exploit,
to ship = v současné angličtině hojně používáno ve významu expedovat, dát do oběhu,
would have to stipulate = stipulate je právní termín dohodnout, umluvit, úmluvou stanovit, would have to je tvar modálního slovesa pro vyjádření povinnosti - museti, = licenční úmluvou by mělo být stanoveno, ensure that = zajistit, pojistili že, under the same un-limiting conditions = za stejných neomezujících podmínek, take away = zde odstranit, impediments = právní překážky, hassle-free use = hassle = slovní potyčka, hádka spor, to revoke = odvolat (na př. rozhodnutí), to made available/sure = faktitivní sloveso udělat/způsobit, aby něco bylo provedeno v češtině se často v podobném kontextu užívá vazba dat/nechat udělat, to facilitate = usnadnit, to consider as = považovat za, oceňovat jako, devising - velmi anglický způsob vyjádření zde: vytvořit právní nástroj pro, compulsory = povinný, to hamper = to make it difficult, překážet, considerations = úvahy,
to release = vydati (na př. novou versi manuálu),
key license conditions = zásadní podmínky stanovené v licenci,
to give credit to = v právní praxi - uznat,
verbatim = v právních textech užívané, z latiny odvozené adverbium = slovo od slova, doslovně, přesně týmiž slovy,
which are mutually exclusive = navzájem se vylučují,
clause = klausule, smluvní ustanovení,
public domain = slavný pojem internetu - programy, které je dovoleno neomezeně používat.

. . .

rubriku vede: PhDr.Tomášek Pavel CSc.

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