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Dvacátá lekce "Anglického čtenáře" jako pozvánka ke čtení Nového zákona.


My dear reader,

Today, I would like to express my very personal point of view hoping to give a helping hand to the people who feel the happy pursuit of language love and learning. Nothing has ever been more exciting for me as much as the printed page of text in foreign language I was able to read. During the work for many years I have expanded my knowledge of languages I know whether fluently or fragmentally, as I can now express myself in two or three of them when I am, from time to time, in the need of doing so. Having spent so many years with no other hobby I should today be speaking these languages much better then I do. On the other hand, I know today how much time and effort I wasted thinking I was doing the right thing to increase my command of the languages studied. I have tried various ways of language self-learning, so I want now to chat with you about one way of learning which can be promising rather for the readers and language learners living properly at Doubravnik.

One of the most promising methods was for me the reading of New Testament. I have known that there are some Christians among my reader and I suppose that these very readers will be pleased to be invited to read New Testaments in English. I invite to the lecture of kind also the other readers who will expand their command and knowledge of language. I am sure they would be able to enjoy these activities. I have gained very good experiences having read NT in various languages and now I try to read it even in Turkish with a certain success.

It is important to remember that our cultural and life style is very different to that in New Testament times. There are many passages in the text which can be related directly to our today experiences, and what is more important in the New Testament had been used the way of expression common to all European people. It is possible to assert that this text will be understood easily by the modern reader as the applied grammatical structures are heavy simplified comparing them with that of classical Greek. The reading of the New Testament is an ancient tradition and therefore also the latest reader has always known many facts, expression and proverbs. Moreover anybody knows the content of the text and this is the reason why it will be possible for everybody to read it with pleasure in spite of the fact that his grammar knowledge is rather limited.

It is very easy to find much staff on the internet; I think that the best site is.

the keener and diligent reader can play on searching service, he can for example put down into relative case of Google following words : you tube reading new testament

Enjoy your lectures!

rubriku vede: PhDr.Tomášek Pavel CSc.

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