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městys Doubravník

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  Dnes je: 19.02. 2025 | Poslední články | Mapa stránek | Kalendář | Facebook | Info-seznam |

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Nabídka práce:
  v regionech: - Tišnov
- Bystřice nad Pernštejnem

Integrovaný dopravní systém Jihomoravského kraje
Restaurace a penzion
Břetislava Sedláčka
Rekreační středisko - PRUDKÁ
MVDr.Barbora Bartošová
jižní Morava


Naposled přidané:
12/02/25 Současnost
- Zprávy z radnice
11/02/25 Současnost
- Fotbalový klub Dou...
11/02/25 Současnost
- Někdejší žák dou...

Mobilní rozhlas:
- Drůbežárna Prace
- Vinařství Holánek
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Krátké zprávy:
17/02/25 SDH Lomnice
- Hasičský ples
10/02/25 Školní jídelna
- Jídelní lístek od 17.02…
03/02/25 Městys Nedv...
- Pozvánka na přednášku
Celý přehled   [6]

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Doubravnický zpravodaj
obsah čísla  03/2024

Dotační program,
- Obnova kultur. památek
- Podpora sportu, kultury

Možná vám uniklo:
- Příběhy domů na náměstí III.: Západní strana

Počasí Doubravník - Sluneč

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Programování a správa:
Petr Koukal

Anglický čtenář v Doubravníku [22]


Po dvouleté odmlce je zde další pokračování seriálu pro příznivce anglického jazyka.

A Christmas Carol - the work session one

My dear reader,

This time, we are about to start reading a piece of classical English literature. I have chosen for you a famous story by Charles Dickens. First of all, you will have to listen three or four times the following You Tube presentation:

You have already known Mister Duncan. If not, you will surely enjoy his wonderful lessons. Having listened to the story, you will endeavor some word study on the text you have just listened to. To make best of your work you have to use the following dictionary:

I have consulted the dictionary about following words: carol, mean, miser, understatement, crutch, crutch, to head, bluntly, to bark, grunt, scolding, stare, gruel, dragged, greed, clutching, grave and the word gravestone.

I might add some other words in the future. You will probably be obliged to give a look at the other dictionary, reading the story again.

The following step of study consists in searching for the group of words or phrases which you take for useable in the everyday talk. I have gathered the following list:

To ask for the day off
Do you not recognize me?
Do not make the same mistake as me
Why do you remind me of these things?
They were indeed very happy times
He always looked after his employees
The girl was braking up with him
These are the thing which have happened
To fade away
Something was about to happen
You use my own words against me
This time it was for real he pretend to be annoyed
I won't stand for it, this will never happen again

You are recommended by me to learn the chosen phrases by heart.

After you will get familiarized a little with the story, we will continue studying the story on the other websites.


Pavel Tomášek

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